Mission Goals

The Expository Preaching Institute is a finishing school for pastors to help teach them how to practically prepare expository sermons. The school will equip preachers to prepare sermons that are derived from Scripture and to help them implement procedural steps that will take them step by step in the preparation process.
E.P.I. hosts a seminar that is unique and will teach pastors a methodology of study by using the latest technology available to help make them more efficient in data accumulation during sermon preparation. The seminar will emphasize the centrality of the Scriptures and God’s mandate to preach His Word alone.
E.P.I. equips pastors in three distinct ways:
(1) The lecture will systematize the exegetical Bible study process by outlining and providing a step-by-step method that extracts the main points and authorial intent present in the passage to be preached.
(2) Secondly, it will also systematize the sermon preparation process that has been used by recognized Bible expositors throughout history.
(3) The program is designed to harmonize and enhance what the pastor has already learned in seminary, Bible College, and/or other theological disciplines so as to produce a consistent biblically derived exposition.
E.P.I. is focused on preparing and equipping pastors of our generation and the next to faithfully handle God’s Word accurately and faithfully to the glory of God alone.
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