
Post has to do with homiletics

15 Points for Preachers

By on Mar 12, 2014 in Homiletics, Preaching | 0 comments

Preach doctrinally. Don’t only teach Bible doctrines such as justification and sanctification in your Sunday school. Preach these doctrines also during your worship service. Preach discriminatorily. Address both believers and unbelievers in your preaching. Don’t assume that everyone in your congregation is saved. But don’t think either that no one is saved. Preach...

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Your Not a Chef

By on Feb 28, 2014 in Homiletics, Preaching | 0 comments

  ”The preacher is not a chef; he’s a waiter. God doesn’t want you to make the meal; He just wants you to deliver it to the table without messing it up. That’s all.” – John...

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