Posts by KL

Don’t Count it Like a Trade

By on Apr 9, 2014 in Calling, Preaching | 0 comments

He that can toy with his ministry and count it to be like a trade, or like any other profession, was never called of God. But he that has a charge pressing on his heart, and a woe ringing in his ear, and preaches as though he heard the cried of hell behind him, and saw his God looking down on him–oh, how that man entreats the Lord that his hearers may not hear...

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15 Points for Preachers

By on Mar 12, 2014 in Homiletics, Preaching | 0 comments

Preach doctrinally. Don’t only teach Bible doctrines such as justification and sanctification in your Sunday school. Preach these doctrines also during your worship service. Preach discriminatorily. Address both believers and unbelievers in your preaching. Don’t assume that everyone in your congregation is saved. But don’t think either that no one is saved. Preach...

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Puritan Preaching

By on Mar 12, 2014 in Preaching | 0 comments

The main concern of Puritan preaching was to transmit God’s infallible word to His people.  Puritan preaching was marked by an unadulterated concern to search the Scriptures, collate their findings, and apply them to all areas of life.  For the Puritans, all theological language was ultimately God’s language (provided it is true).  To that end, how could...

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Eloquence Needed?

By on Mar 4, 2014 in Preaching | 0 comments

“The gospel is preached in the ears of all men; it only comes with power to some. The power that is in the gospel does not lie in the eloquence of the preacher otherwise men would be converters of souls. Nor does it lie in the preacher’s learning; otherwise it could consists of the wisdom of men. We might preach till our tongues rotted, till we should exhaust our...

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