Posts made in November, 2014

Interpretation of the Scriptures

By on Nov 25, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Particularly does the minister need to attend unto this injunction “take heed unto thyself” in his study of the Scriptures, reading them devotionally ere he does so professionally; that is, seeking their application and blessing to his own soul before searching for sermonic materials. As the saintly Hervey expressed it, “Thus may we always be affected when we study...

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Pay the Price

By on Nov 24, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

4 Reasons Why Some Preachers Get Better and Others Don’t by Hershael York I often have to answer the strangest question anyone could ask a preaching professor: “Do you think preaching can be taught?” I always want to respond, “No, I’m just going through the motions for the money.” Of course I never do, not only because it’s best not to say the smart aleck...

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The Great Aim of Preaching

By on Nov 13, 2014 in Preaching | 0 comments

“When a preacher preaches with joy (in the midst of) suffering, the people will see Christ for the infinite value that He is, and, seeing, will cherish Him above all things and thus be changed from one degree of glory to the next. The glory of God will be magnified in the church and in the world, and the great aim of preaching will be achieved.” –...

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What Does Transformational Preaching Transform?

By on Nov 7, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

(originally posted by Almost everyone agrees that preaching should be transformational.  But we need to define what it is that we are seeking to see transformed? 1. Conduct – This is the most obvious area of transformation.  We all love to see a life transformed from worldly conduct to “christian” conduct.  But we also need to be wary....

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