Posts made in October, 2014


By on Oct 21, 2014 in Preaching | 0 comments

“You can have knowledge, and you can be meticulous in your preparation; but without the unction of the Holy Spirit you will have no power, and your preaching will not be effective.”  – Martyn...

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The Goal of Preaching

By on Oct 15, 2014 in Preaching | 0 comments

“The sermon has as its ultimate goal, the glory of God; as its ultimate message, Jesus Christ; as its ultimate source, the Word of God; as its ultimate power, the Spirit of God; and as its ultimate success, the transformation of lives.” – Cotton...

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Law or Gospel

By on Oct 13, 2014 in Preaching | 0 comments

The basic principle in application is to know whether the passage is a statement of the law or of the gospel. For when the Word is preached, the law and the gospel operate differently. The law exposes the disease of sin, and as a side-effect stimulates and stirs it up. But it provides no remedy for it. However the gospel not only teaches us what is to be done, it...

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